Terme di Porretta

Prot. n. 2460 Autorizzazione al funzionamento di struttura sanitaria privata

D.P.R. 15/01/1997 – L.R. 12/10/1998 n. 34

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  /  2016

Following a popular demand, every Saturday morning, the underground springs of Porretta Terme open to the public!

We are pleased to announce the start of guided tours to discover the underground springs of Porretta Terme.
The visiting shifts are every Saturday morning at 9 am and at 11 am, small groups of minimum 4 / maximum 8 people.

During the guided tour of 90 minutes, you will see up close the springs that give life to Porretta Terme.
The cost of the visit is € 12 per person, payable directly to the front ticket desk.
The entrance is not allowed for children under 6 years, to make the visit it is essential to wear shoes with a rubber sole.
Please bear in mind that the access to the underground must be booked.

For information and reservations contact:
Porretta Terme Hospital phone: 0534 22 062

Our story continue along with the millenary story of our thermal sources: from Monday, April 4 our center is reopened to the public..

The renovation did not go unnoticed, collecting compliments by the public and the interest of the press.

This is our turn to thank, because after all this time, our city, our region and the people who have supported us can come back to enjoy and benefit our natural waters, an European excellence.

«The waters of Porretta – guarantees Professor Lapilli – are among the best in Europe both regarding the sulfur and salsobromoiodine waters, as for they contain a balanced amount of sulfide hydrogen that is particularly suitable for the treatment of respiratory diseases. The work carried out by Tema srl made possible to create new departments for respiratory diseases with the introduction of advanced technology and electronically controlled equipment»

Here follow few excerpts from the Italian press that spoke about us, translated for you and accompanied by links to the online articles in native language:

“Under the slogan “Porretta waits for you” and a brand new logo, [the Thermal Station], owned by Banca di Bologna, will offer surprises to anyone who will attend the opening ceremony “ words by Giacomo Calistri
Il Resto del Carlino: http://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/…/porretta-terme-apertura-1…

“The recovery plan presented had also made the Trade Unions content. It was announced at Christmas that the reopening would have taken place during the Easter period and the program has been respected “ words by Press Staff
Il Corriere di Bologna: http://corrieredibologna.corriere.it/…/riaprono-terme-porre…

“The reopening has been greeted with joy by Massimo Gnudi, Metropolitan Deputy Mayor with responsibility for the Apennines Policies, who spoke of ‘an important achievement that will determine long-term favorable conditions’ “ words by Press Staff
Bologna Today: http://www.bolognatoday.it/cro…/terme-porretta-apertura.html

“This is one of the oldest thermal resorts in Italy. The Spa of Porretta was invented, designed, opened by the Romans for the first time. Today, the Thermal Station is also enriched with news regarding the treatment of respiratory diseases “ words on video by reporter Massimo Ricci
È TV: http://www.e-tv.it/video/26672/riaprono-le-terme-di-porretta

ReportPistoia: http://www.reportpistoia.com/…/34494-riaprono-le-terme-di-p…

Qui News Abetone: http://www.quinewsabetone.it/porretta-terme-le-terme-riapro…

On the 16th of April we held our first conference on prevention and rehabilitation through spa treatments at Palazzo de’Toschi in Bologna.

The initiative, addressed to specialists of the medical sector, was chaired by Prof. Sergio Coccheri, Professor in Cardiovascular Diseases at University of Bologna, with the scientific assistance of Dr. Donatella Orlando and the coordination of Dr. Aspero Lapilli, Health Department of the Thermal Spa of Porretta.

It has been examined the role of thermal waters as they often are proved crucial in the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, and throughout the rehabilitation process.

See more:

Il Resto del Carlino

Reno News

Il 16 Aprile scorso abbiamo svolto presso Palazzo de’ Toschi a Bologna il nostro primo convegno in materia di prevenzione e riabilitazione tramite le cure termali.

L’iniziativa, indirizzata agli specialisti del settore medico, è stata presieduta dal prof. Sergio Coccheri, Ordinario di Malattie Cardiovascolari dell’Università di Bologna, con la segreteria scientifica della dr.ssa Donatella Orlando e il coordinamento del dr. Aspero Lapilli, Direzione Sanitaria delle Terme di Porretta.

Si è cercato di approfondire il ruolo delle acque termali, che spesso si rivelano fondamentali nella prevenzione di malattie vascolari e cardiache, e in tutto il processo riabilitativo.

Per approfondire:

Il Resto del Carlino

Reno News

Continua la nostra storia e quella millenaria delle nostre fonti: da lunedì 4 Aprile il nostro centro è riaperto al pubblico.

La ristrutturazione non è passata inosservata, raccogliendo i complimenti del pubblico e l’interesse della stampa.

A ringraziare questa volta siamo noi, perché, dopo tanto tempo, la nostra città, la nostra regione e le persone che ci hanno supportato, possono tornare ad usufruire e a giovare delle nostre acque naturali, un’eccellenza europea.

«Le acque di Porretta – garantisce il professor Lapilli – sono tra le migliori d’Europa sia per quanto riguarda le salsobromoiodiche che le sulfuree poiché contengono una quantità equilibrata di idrogeno solforato particolarmente adatte per la cure delle malattie dell’apparato respiratorio. I lavori eseguiti dalla Tema, hanno consentito di creare i nuovi reparti per le patologie respiratorie con l’introduzione rispetto al passato, di tecnologie avanzate con attrezzature a comando elettronico»

Segue una breve rassegna stampa dei giornali che hanno parlato di noi:

Il Resto del Carlino: http://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/…/porretta-terme-apertura-1…

Il Corriere di Bologna: http://corrieredibologna.corriere.it/…/riaprono-terme-porre…

Bologna Today: http://www.bolognatoday.it/cro…/terme-porretta-apertura.html
